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Holidays in Asturias

Asturias is an earthly paradise. Travelers arriving for the first time are surprised by the variety of colors appearing from its green meadows, forests and its blue sea.

Given the extraordinary variety of topography, Asturias has got a very varied climate, although it is specially wet compared to the rest of Spain due to the great amount of rainfalls it receives throughout the year.

Asturias has a wide range of landscapes because of its proximity both to the mountains as well as to the coast (just about 30 km). This small region has about two hundred and fifty kilometers (250 km) of coastline, often with high cliffs marking spectacular beaches.

People from Asturias are noble and introverted but very friendly and they make you feel good at their home, of which they are very proud of being a part of. They have a lot of deep and popular traditions. Asturias has kept ways of living that can no longer be found in other places.

Asturias is not a land famous for its wines. However, one of the products by which this region is famous worldwide is its cider and the special way of pouring it, of which Asturians are very proud.

Its cuisine is varied and ranges from seafood, fish, beans and sweets. It is also famous for its dairy products:  especially milk and cheese.

Asturias was isolated and forgotten for centuries, probably because it was a very difficult land to access, but now there is no excuse for not coming here to visit it.

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